Let’s Talk Brains

Aka your incredible, creative, brilliant mind

Fill out this form to see if working with me is the next right move for you. I can’t wait to support you as you close the gap between what’s happening now and the dream life that’s centimeters away.

The Mind Reset Challenge

Brain vs. You. You’re the clear winner. Take this free challenge to see how perspective-shifting can ease your ADHD symptoms and increase your self confidence.

Coaching Application

Thank you in advance for filling out this application! The best results come from amazing partnerships, and applications allow me to make sure I select those of you who I know I can help and who I believe will be most impacted by this work. 

I will review this application and reach out to you to set up a totally free, no-strings-attached Consultation Call if I believe we are a perfect fit (or if I have questions for you).

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