Work with your ADHD. Not against it.
Erin King Coaching is the place for high-achieving ADHDers who want to fill the gap between where they’re at and where they want to be, so they can create a fulfilling, high-impact life.

Your brain is your superpower. But also your worst enemY.
Use a timer. Buy a good planner. Do this. Make this ‘science-based’ strategy a habit. The advice for ADHDers is endless. The strategies for ‘getting your brain under control’ are infinite.
But here’s the thing. All of those commands are missing the mark in terms of what’s *actually* going on in your head. You’re a high-achiever. You make things happen. Even when it’s tough. But you’re still struggling with procrastination, finishing tasks, staying focused, managing your time, and feeling overwhelmed.
And that’s what is holding you back from going further. Fully living out your potential.
The answer isn’t in strategies. It’s in your thoughts about ADHD. How your mind perceives those 4 little letters. And if you can change your thought patterns AND implement strategies– your ADHD brain can be your biggest catalyst for the success story you’re currently writing.
The Mind Reset Challenge
Brain vs. You. You’re the clear winner. Take this free challenge to see how perspective-shifting can ease your ADHD symptoms and increase your self confidence.
Work With Me

A Transformative 90-Minute Session
The Revitalize Intensive
There’s a goal in your heart. It’s big. And you need a potent session to figure out how you’re going to get there by working with your strengths. By tapping into this wisdom, you can get there faster + happier, as this session will give you strategies and shifts to work toward your goal with ease.

1:1 Coaching
The (Rewired) ADHD Brain
You’re building a great life. You’re successful. High energy. Excited. But you also know your ADHD is holding you back. You feel overwhelmed a lot, not knowing how to get to where you want to be. With this close container, we’ll be rewiring your brain through mindset shifts and customized strategies, so your day-to-day life is easier, more fulfilling, in control, and exhilarating.

Group Program
The 8-week group program that believes there’s magic in different. And that by anchoring deeply into your strengths, values, and beliefs– you can manage your mind and live the aligned life you crave.
Happy (Thriving) Clients
You are smart. You are driven. You want to do incredible things.
But you’re down on yourself for how your brain sometimes holds you back. The goal of coaching is to free you from the grip of ADHD and allow you to step into the magic of it.
Hi, I’m Erin
Mindset Coach for High-Achieving ADHDers | Formerly Licensed Therapist
I have ADHD. But I didn’t know that when I was a young girl. I struggled with perfectionism, overwhelm, and black and white thinking. There was a core belief in me that said, you’re not good enough.
When I started working with a coach who specialized in ADHD, I felt like she got me. Not in an ‘oh, she understands my struggles’ way. But in a ‘how the HECK does she know my deepest secrets and biggest insecurities’ way.
My perfectionism mixed with my ADHD brain was holding me back from creating the big, high-impact life that I’ve always craved. So I developed skills to free myself from the paralyzing mind drama.
By taking my degree and experience in social work and combining it with my love of helping ADHDers thrive, my mission is to help high-achieving ADHDers like you free yourself from your own mind drama. It’s time to bridge the gap between where you are and the life you want to create.
If you’re driven, you can drive. Your ADHD doesn’t call the shots, but it is the gas that lets you get there your way.