I’m Erin, an ADHD Coach.

Do you feel overwhelmed from overthinking? Do you constantly feel overstimulated and frustrated with your thoughts and actions? Do you know what you want in life, but despite your best efforts you can’t take action because of shame and self doubt? I understand because that was my story too!

Today, I’ve created so much more space in my mind to transform my life because I know my ADHD traits and how to work with my ADHD brain.

You CAN accomplish goals, STOP procrastinating, OVERCOME overwhelm and START using your brain power to create a life you love.
I would love to support you on this journey!

(Your intro call is free)


I’m Erin King!

From the time I was a young girl, I struggled with perfectionism, overwhelm, black and white thinking and the core belief that I wasn’t good enough… 

Today, I have the skills to free myself from paralyzing mind drama. I can identify my goals and follow through to achieve them. I can make decisions, take action, and not get stuck in the overwhelm of perfectionism and black and white thinking. And, I now work with other women and help them to overcome these issues too.

Trusted by My Clients

Is this you?

I can help you!

Book a free consultation to discuss your struggles, goals and to learn how we can work together.

Coaching Application

Thank you in advance for filling out this application! The best results come from amazing partnerships, and applications allow me to make sure I select those of you who I know I can help and who I believe will be most impacted by this work. 

I will review this application and reach out to you to set up a totally free, no-strings-attached Consultation Call if I believe we are a perfect fit (or if I have questions for you).

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